Little Angel Puppet Theatre Performances and Resources


Little Angel Puppet Theatre has lots of fun home learning resources. Click on the following link to find out more:

Little Angel Home Learning

The theatre normally puts on the most incredible puppet shows! Whilst the theatre is closed they have been streaming performances, including:

‘I want my hat back’

‘This is not my hat’

‘What does an anteater eat?’

…and many more! Click on the links above to explore.

After you have watched the shows you could compose your own music or sound effects for one of them, or your own puppet show. They have used guitar, whistling and harmonica. What instruments do you have at home? Even if you don’t have any, you can whistle and use your voice. You can make percussion instruments too. Here are some ideas of how to make them from one of our previous posts:

Musical Activity – Can you make your own instrument?